Daddy's never been a big fireworks guy. He never bought illegal fireworks and set them off in the backyard or at the park when he was kid. He never looked forward to the big fireworks show every year. Never even went down to the Charles River for the big Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular in all the years he lived in Boston. He wasn't afraid of them and didn't dislike them. Just never made it a priority to go.
Mommy, on the other hand, loves fireworks. For Mommy, watching the fireworks with her family, a group of friends, or even 10,000 strangers was meaningful to her. There was something about everyone being together that just touches her deep inside and makes her happy (and cry...tears of joy). So since this was our first year as a larger family, we headed into downtown Princeton yesterday to watch the local show. I'm glad we did.
We met up with Danika, Darby, and Sloan in the fields next to Palmer Stadium and parked ourselves on a blanket sometime before 9pm. We were a little bit worried about sitting on the grass because of Kaylani's still present deep hatred of grass, but apparently the blanket was a safe enough barrier for her. We were also a bit worried that we were out watching fireworks past 9pm instead of having Kaylani home sleeping (or crying herself to sleep) like we normally do by that time. But once the fireworks started, Kaylani was mezmorized. She didn't make a single peep during the whole 20 minute show.
Each time a firework would shoot up into the air, she would follow it up. It was absolutely precious to watch her eyes light up with excitement as she watched each boom unfold. While she waited for the next one, she would look around at all the other people (or play/chew on the glow stick Sloan let her have). But as soon as she heard that tell-tale boom, her eyes darted straight back into the sky to check out the latest color and pattern.
I'm very glad that Mommy talked me into keeping Kaylani up past her bedtime to watch our first fireworks show. I'm even glader that Kaylani didn't mind the noise or the lights. And even though she only slept 5 hours last night and only took one very long and overdue nap at 3pm today, I'm still glad because I think Kaylani really liked it. Looks like we found ourselves a new family tradition, which is something I'll never get tired of starting. When it all comes down to it, it's all about family.
And because it was such a memorable occasion, you know I had the camera at the ready. Check out the latest pictures of Kaylani and the fireworks, and also some of her new Amish doll from Titi Briseida, and of her and Mia from a BBQ today at Steph and Harold's! Enjoy, and Happy Independence Day!
Yeah, Sloan only slept 8 hours, then took at 45 min nap at of course we put her to bed at 7 which means she'll be up at 5 am! Good thing fireworks are only once per year.
This is heartwarming. I'm glad your family has found a new tradition that all of you can enjoy. I'm glad Kaylani was fascinated rather than frightened of the fireworks. It sounds like a very nice evening.
Let's just hope that she continues to be fascinated and not scared! There were plenty of scared kids there...
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