Friday, November 21, 2008

I love it when my baby...has gas?

When you're pregnant, every day someone asks "when are you due?" or "still no baby?" if you're late like mommy was (or like Aunt Shannon currently is). Now regardless of the fact that it gets annoying (especially when you're late), it is an extremely relevant question to be asked each day. After baby finally decides its time to come out, the question changes to "how are you sleeping?" because frankly, that's the most relevant question right now, and I'm pretty sure it's not going to stop being relevant for at least 3 years.

Our pediatrician (among others) asked us "how are we sleeping" today, and we gave a little chuckle before we answered. I feel like our answer to that simple question changes more than the weather in New England. One day its "we slept great!" and the next its "shut up leave me alone, I mean, we didn't sleep so well". Well last night, it was the latter, and it's getting harder and harder to get Kaylani to sleep on our schedule.

Previously, I could sway side to side for about 10 minutes, "shush" repeatedly, and eventually, she would just fall asleep, whether she wanted to or not. But now, it's like she knows. She knows I want her to sleep, or more accurately, she knows that I want to sleep. And she also knows that I can't help looking at her when I stare at her, and that I melt every time she smiles at me. But recently that's all changed. I still stare at her, I still sway and shush, and she still smiles at me, but I just found out that she's not actually smiling because she's happy and likes to see her daddy's face. She's "smiling" because she has gas.

It doesn't change the fact that she still looks really cute when she "smiles", but it does make me a little sad knowing that she's not "smiling" because of me. It does however reinforce the fact that she's a true Tam since Tam's do love gas. So if gas makes her smile, I'm going to cherish each and every single time she has it. And even if I've used gas to make people smile in the past, I'll find another way to make her smile. Something a bit more comfortable for everyone.


Tom Sherman said...

I challenge Kaylani to a farting contest!

JonnyTam13 said...

C'mon, you've never been able to beat a Tam at a farting contest. Even she would do multiple victory laps afterwards

Jeph said...

I always smile when I fart too! Difference is that nobody appreciates it...

JonnyTam13 said...

I smile when you fart...just not when I'm there with you.

Anonymous said...

Can gas be hereditary?

JonnyTam13 said...

For her sake, I sure hope not!

Anonymous said...

you're all nuts!

JonnyTam13 said...

And gassy