Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life Changer

There's a Johnson & Johnson's campaign for called "Having A Baby Changes Everything" or HABCE for short. I, for one, believed the campaign was true before Kaylani was born. All the parents I've talked to also agree with it. Life is just different when you have a child. When you have something so fragile in its early days that it depends on you for everything. Well, I've had my baby for 8 days now, and while having a baby changed some things, it hasn't changed EVERYthing. Let's take a look at a few things that have and have not changed.

Not Changed - The amount of sleep I get each night. Prior to Kaylani, I used to get around 5-6 hours of sleep each night. Since she was born, I still get 5-6 hours a night.

Changed - The time I go to sleep. I used to go to bed between 11 and midnight, and definitely be asleep by 1am at the latest. Lately I've been headed to bed around 9pm, which allows me to wake up 4-5 times a night with her, and still get 5-6 hours of sleep before 7am.

Not Changed - Watching football! Today was my first Football Sunday at home, and so far, I've already watched 2 hours of pre-game, the entire Giants game (Go Big Blue!), and the first half of the Chargers/Steelers game. That's 7 hours of football already! Last Sunday night, less than 48 hours after she was born, I was even able to keep up with the Giants-Eagles game via my Blackberry from the hospital.

Changed - The way I watch football. So I watched the entire game, but by all accounts, I was more subdued than normal. My cheers during each Brandon Jacobs touchdown or Aaron Ross interception were limited to whispered words of encouragement (shhh...yes...shhh) and polite clapping similar to a golf clap. As an aside, trying to get Kaylani to do a touchdown sign after each score was unsuccessful.

Not Changed - Being on time. Granted we've only left the house 2 times since Kaylani was born (once for the peds visit, the other to get Abuela), but we've left and arrived right on time.

Changed - The way I drive. Anyone who has been in the car with me (especially those who have been in a car with me more than 3 years ago) knows that I like to drive a little bit fast, and a little bit aggressively. Now? I spend most of my time in the middle to slow lanes, and drive only a fraction above the speed limit.

Not Changed - Having a picture on my cell phone or computer background. I've always had a picture of my family in the 2 places where I look most of the day.

Changed - The amount of times I change that picture on my cell phone or computer background. I have so many pictures to choose from, and Kaylani is changing daily, that I don't know what to do! A picture that I took at the birth has been replaced at least 4 times since then just because she's so darn cute (Kaylani AND mommy).

Not Changed - The love for my wife. I've always loved Brendalys with all my heart, and in the past 8 days, I've loved her even more. She was the one who gave me my beautiful baby girl and there's no way I could try to match that with any sort of gift to her (although I sure did try).

Changed - How proud I am of my wife. Watching Brendalys go through the pregnancy, the birth, and these first 9 days have taken my feelings for her to the next level. She was amazing throughout everything and has been the greatest mom to Kaylani and still the greatest wife to me. There's nothing more I could ask for, but I'm sure she'll continue to amaze me as we go along.

So tomorrow I start work again. It hasn't changed yet, but I already know that a big change will be the overwhelming desire to want to be at home with my family during the day. But since my work ethic and work product will not change, another change will be the way I spend time at home. I learned in Daddy Boot Camp that it's not the amount of time you spend at home, it's how you spend it.

Right now, I'm going to spend some time staring at my beautiful daughter. That's something that will never change. Feel free to stare the album that is (unless you come visit, then you can stare in person).


Ashley said...

OK so Jay told me to check out your blog... so I did while I was working on my latest post and well it's very sweet. Kudos to you for saying those things about Brendalys. That's what every woman wants her husband to say about her after she's been pregnant, given birth, fought hormones, and said goodbye to it ever being about herself again. Good for you!! Did you have a sister or did your mother just train you well? You guys are going to be great parents! I'm so happy for you!

Tom Sherman said...

Do you have a World's Greatest Dad mug to take to work with you?

JonnyTam13 said...

Thanks for reading Ash! I had no idea you were blogging too, and for a long time! Now I have more to read since Jay seems to not want to update his blog at all :)

Come visit again!

And no Tommy, I don't have the mug yet, but Christmas is right around the corner ;)