Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kaylani made me a procrastinator

Before Kaylani was born, I used to be prompt and get things done early. I used to plan out my every move and execute on a strict schedule. I was never a procrastinator before Kaylani. And I used to tell the truth, unlike now since I've actually always been a procrastinator. The difference between then and now is that then I used to be able to make up for it in my "free time." Now, "free time" is something I only say in quotations (and make the hand gesture for quotes when I say it in person too).

There were only a few times prior to Kaylani that being a procrastinator has bit me in the butt. But since then, it seems like I'm being bit in the butt enough times to have to tap into Kaylani's supply of Desitin, but they've never been serious things. Sure I have a few things in the living room that need to be moved down to the basement, and sure my garage could use a cleaning, but those aren't major things. And yes my grill and patio furniture are still outside and could be moved into my shed, but they are made to be outdoors. And maybe I've had to work late (or real early) before deadlines at work a few times, but that's usually when I'm at my best anyways. But this morning, being a procrastinator left me out in the cold...literally.

It snowed early today. So early that most people would refer to it as last night. But since I'm usually in bed and asleep by 10pm instead of staying up past midnight, it's early. We got a decent amount of snow too. Probably around 4", followed up by some nice freezing rain to top it all off. I know that's nothing compared to those of you a bit further North, but for Central Jersey, it doubled the amount of snow we've received so far this year. 4" isn't a lot to shovel off my driveway, so I wasn't concerned about that. But our house is a corner house, and corner houses have a whole lot of sidewalk to clean. So 4" of snow across many feet of driveway and sidewalk is a lot.

Now you might think I procrastinated shoveling this morning, which would have led to a messier time with the rain that we got later in the day, but that's not it. I was up early with Kaylani (around 6am) and I was outside by 8am and finished shoveling in just over an hour. The procrastination part was because I actually have a brand new snowthrower that throws up to 1700lbs of snow a minute up to 30' away in 21" wide lanes. The problem is that since I bought it (which was before Kaylani was born), it's been sitting in its box in the garage. And because I'm a procrastinator and because there were no big snow storms, it meant that my time was better spent looking at, playing with, or holding Kaylani instead of getting things ready in case we had some significant snow fall.

So, Kaylani didn't make me a procrastinator, but she sure doesn't help it at all. After all, if you were me, wouldn't you rather play with Kaylani instead of moving things around or setting things up? That's what I thought. Speaking of procrastinating, I waited until the last minute to post pictures last night and never actually did it, so they're here tonight instead. And now, I'm going to take the snow thrower out of the box. Or maybe not. There's no more snow on the way for at least a few more days anyways.


Anonymous said...

You title says she made you a procrastinator and the last paragraph says she didn't. Are you putting off telling us the truth?

JonnyTam13 said...

It's not that I didn't finish the post. I really wanted to. I even had plans to talk a bit more I'll tell you later.

Tom Sherman said...

Can I have your snow thrower?

JonnyTam13 said...

Sure. I'll bring it up to you when I get some "free time"

Unknown said...

Why does having your snowblower in a box prevent you from taking it out and using it? Isn't opening the box faster than shoveling by hand?

JonnyTam13 said...

It was heavy, not fully assembled, needed gas, and a list of other things that would have required some time to put together. Not the best thing to worry about when there's snow to be shoveled! Maybe I should do it when there's no snow to shovel...