Friday, May 1, 2009

Fatherhood Friday at

Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs

Every day Kaylani seems to learn just a little something more. But yesterday, I learned a little something myself. Apparently there's a blogging community of parents (mostly Dad's) out there. I happened to find it through one of the Dad's in the group (Outnumbered), who found me through my Facebook group. At first I thought this was just another blogger surfing around, and probably as meaningful as my followers on Twitter (which I still don't fully understand). But once I spent some time in the community, I realized I was on to something big.

The site is called Dad-Blogs and it launched at the beginning of this year. It's essentially just a group of Daddy bloggers thrown together. Sounds simple, but it's much much more than that. For example, Friday's are deemed Fatherhood Friday's, hence the logo at the top of this post. On the outside, it seems like just another cheap marketing scam, like Thirsty Thursday or Naked Wednesday's (no? how about Naked Tuesday's?), but to me, and I'm sure to many more Dad's out there, it's just a little bit of appreciation that goes a long way.

I'm not saying that I feel unappreciated, because I know that Mommy and everyone around appreciates what I do for and with Kaylani. And even though she can't say it verbally yet, the smile on Kaylani's face all the way down to her cute little kicks let me know that she too appreciates me. And because I get to see her smile at least a little bit every day, I know that Fatherhood Friday is more like Fatherhood Everyday in her world.

So here's to my new tradition of Fatherhood Friday. May it come every 7 days, and last for 6 more on top of that. Tomorrow, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming, which in all honesty, is not much different from what you just read. But if you do want to read something new, something different, and something sports related, check out my brand new column on The Dad-Blogs called Sports IllustraDad. Think of it as The Daddy Diaries with a sports twist. Even if you don't like sports, I guarantee you'll enjoy the read. I'll even give you your money back if you don't. So why not give it a shot? You're LOSING money if you don't!


Andrew's Daddies said...

Great start of the FF posts.

Otter Thomas said...

Welcome to FF. I am now heading over to read SportsIllustraDad.

Mocha Dad said...

Welcome to Fatherhood Fridays. I hope to see you again.

Daddy Files said...

OK, even though you're a Yankees fan and thus hopelessly lost in life, I can see you're a true sports fan and that's all I need to know. You've made my daily blog reader and I will be mercilessly taunting you as your favorite team continues its inevitable downward spiral into oblivion.

Kyle Farmer said...

FF is very cool. It's nice to find a group of dads that actually enjoy being dads.

WeaselMomma said...

Welcome to dad-blogs. It's a great place and I look forward to reading your column. Your daughter is a total cutie and I look forward to reading your adventures in familyhood.(that's a new word ~ I just made it up).

Super Mega Dad said...

Great first Fatherhood Friday post! Welcome to the Club!