Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why can't I sleep?

It's well known that having a baby significantly alters your sleep routines. With them waking up and being hungry, or wet, or just uncomfortable, it's no surprise that us parents would be awake also. So if those are the things that wake Kaylani up, then why is it that I find myself as the only person awake in the middle of the night lately?

The past few days have started early. First it was 5:30am, then it was 5am, and the latest was 4:30am. You would think Kaylani's schedule would be similar, but she's been waking up at 8:30am or 9am on each of those days (after waking up at 2am or 3am for the first time). So no baby awake to take care of meant that there was no reason to be awake. But I was.

I'm not sure what exactly is going on with me, but I can't blame Kaylani. I've had sleeping issues dating back to my college days. Sure the college sleeping issues were related to playing computer games, drinking, or watching pointless infomercials...I mean, studying (forgot my parents read this), but they extended past college too. Luckily I didn't use to need a lot of sleep to function. That's only partially true today.

Today, I can get by on 4 or 5 hours of sleep as long as I have my coffee and my family, both of which give me some sort of energy. And I could probably get a few more hours of sleep if I went to bed at 8pm like Kaylani instead of 11pm, but then when would I watch things like Chuck, 24, The Amazing Race, and Hell's Kitchen? So there's no real answer (okay, no real acceptable answer) to solving my recent sleep issues.

As I'm sure you realized by our customary picture that today is Kaylani's 5 month birthday (the sign says Happy Birthday in Chinese obviously). I can't believe it's been 5 months already, but she has grown so much recently that it's more than believeable. It almost feels longer than 5 months (in a good way). Now that she's older, maybe I can learn from her by staring at her sleeping through her monitor when I wake up. She might just be able to teach me something.

Anyways, I just got home from baseball practice and am exhausted, so Happy 5 Month Birthday to Kaylani, and feel free to celebrate along with us by checking out her latest pictures. It's time for me to go watch some mindless TV. What'd you think I was going to do? Sleep?

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