Thursday, March 26, 2009

Awaiting the Poop

I vaguely remember a time when I was afraid of opening one of Kaylani's diapers because it may have contained poop. It was many years ago (has it really only been less than 5 months) and it was really something I thought about and feared when I was changing her. You can't really blame me after her first poop incident, but that's besides the point. Nowadays, it's the exact opposite that happens when I open a diaper.

Ever since Kaylani started eating cereal, we've been worried that it may be causing her to be a bit constipated. We had heard stories from many of our friends that rice cereal could cause constipation, and wouldn't you know it, one week later she couldn't sleep because she was constipated. Oatmeal cereal was supposed to be better for Kaylani in that regards so we made the switch. But after Kaylani's sixth day of oatmeal, she had only pooped once for us (a poop up the back to the neck type poop, but still only once). She wasn't showing the same signs of constipation, but it was still something we were concerned about.

So for the last 4 days, we were anxiously awaiting for Kaylani to poop. Each diaper change felt like it was Christmas Eve back when I was kid, but instead of "Did Santa come yet?" it was "Did Kaylani poop yet?" And just like Christmas Eve oh so many years ago, the answer was always no. Today though, Santa did the form of poop.

Mommy got the pleasure of dealing with a Kaylani poop. That sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm actually not. The fact that Kaylani pooped took a load off, not only from Kaylani, but from Mommy too. It meant that we could stop worrying that Kaylani was constipated for at least a few more days. It meant that we didn't have to give Kaylani prune juice mixed with water in a sippy cup like our pediatrician recommended us to do. It meant that we didn't have to stick a thermometer in Kaylani to try and stimulate her to poop. And it meant that I didn't have to ask "did she poop?" for the last couple of diaper changes today.

Long gone are the days of being afraid of poop. I say bring the poop on! If I could find the switch for the soft serve ice cream, I'd pull it down myself. But since I can't, I guess I'll just sit back and wait for the poop to come. Hopefully it will come more regularly now because if it doesn't, I'm not sure who will be in more pain. After all, we'd be the ones who have to do all those horrible things to Kaylani to get her to poop for us. It'd be much easier if she pooped on her own now, and for the rest of her life too.


Anonymous said...

We are a family that gets excited about poop too! We started Conner on sweet potatoes last week, and it took him 5 days to poop. He almost had what we refer to as a "Kaylani." ;) Hehe.

Tom Sherman said...

I haven't pooped in ten days... that's okay for adults right?

Anonymous said...

Ewww...mental picture.

Tom Sherman said...

Maybe I should stop eating rice cereal.

JonnyTam13 said...

Rina, I can't believe you haven't had a code brown yet! You must be using diapers like 3 sizes too big to catch it all.

Tommy, same goes for you. As for the poop, I'd give it another day then ask Gretchen to use the thermometer on you. Good luck.

Tom Sherman said...

Ewww...mental picture.