Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Great Outdoors

For months we've been waiting for Spring to come so we could take Kaylani outside. One of the reasons we wanted to take her out was so that she could see new things and experience the great outdoors for herself instead of through a glass door or a window. The other reason was because we were tired of the same old picture backgrounds. 90% of the pictures we've taken (which is probably over 2K pictures) have been in the confines of our house, so of course we jumped on the opportunity to head outside with the camera.

The day started off with a trip to the pediatrician for Kaylani's immunizations. It was then that we realized today was going to be a gorgeous day. The sun was shining and the weather was warm, and it didn't look like we were going to get to enjoy it since Kaylani was gonna get stuck with 2 needles. Turns out she did as good this time as she did during her first round of shots 2 months ago, and after a 2 hour nap, we decided to make our first trip to the park.

For those of you familiar with the area, we went to Mercer County Park. We've never been before, and had no idea just how large the park actually was. We headed to an area called The Marina, and found a parking spot near one of the many kids areas. Our plan was to take a walk around and talk to other parents and babies, maybe even grab a bench and get a good look at our life 1-2 years from now. What we got was a whole lot more than that.

Apparently we weren't the only ones jumping at the chance to get outside. The amount of kids at the park brought me back to Disneyland! Being a playground, most of the kids were at least 4 years old, and running around and around like they were injected with sugar right before they got there. They were jumping off the jungle gyms, sliding down the slides, climbing up the walls, and even climbing UP the slides! Kids were colliding into each other and hanging off all different areas. I guess the best way to describe it is that it looked like an accident waiting to happen.

Luckily, no accidents happened (at least none that we saw). What did happen was that Mommy was freaked out about playgrounds, and is pretty sure that she'll never let Kaylani run around all crazy there. Now maybe we'll feel a little bit different when she's old enough, but for now, we'll stick to a nice quiet bench staring at the geese in the pond.

So after an hour of being outside (where the wind picked up just a little bit), we all headed home for a nice long nap. Kaylani won with a 2.5 hour nap while Mommy came in second with a 2 hour nap, followed by Daddy who only slept for 30 minutes (because he was watching USA play Canada in the WBC). I'll post pictures tomorrow along with pictures from Kaylani's 4 month birthday celebration. Tonight, check out these videos that I've posted on our YouTube page. Oh, and don't forget to set your clocks an hour ahead tonight! We sure will, not that time really even matters any more...


Anonymous said...

Having travelled for work - I was not as accustomed to the "group interaction" as Marily was. It took me a long while to learn that until the age of say - 5, kids don't know how to share or think of someone else outside of themselves. Watching Emily and Brian interact with other kids was difficult. I wanted to walk next to them the whole time and shove any other kid away so they don't interfere with your own. It takes a lot of self restrait to let them learn how to interact with others on their own terms - especially at the playground.

JonnyTam13 said...

Ehhh...I'd rather walk next to them and shove the other kids away. Especially if they're boys :)

Anonymous said...

Ha! Harris is like that. He guards the stroller well.

I like that my vote counts for 33% of the votes. Makes me feel special...and lame. :)

JonnyTam13 said...

Man, I just put up that poll yesterday! Tough crowd...